Tampa Bay Times Article


We need to take steps now to help older, sicker Americans

Unless you are wealthy (self-pay), have paid long-term care insurance or are destitute, you won’t be able to afford long-term care.

Even wealthy women worry about money a lot of the time

More than half of women worry about finances at multiple points throughout the month

Need a quote for a client for Long Term Care Insurance, you can request it here.

A Few Things You Might Not Know About Traditional Long Term Care Insurance

LTCI as a concept has been around since the 1960s. So, there are probably a few updates and changes you might not be aware of.

The 6 Biggest Issues with Early Retirement: Will These Happen to You?

Ready to do everything you’ve never had time to do by retiring early? Consider these 6 pitfalls before you take the leap.

If you have questions please
contact us!

Gordon Associates is my “go-to” recommendation for all my readers who ask about Long Term Care Insurance. And I put my money where my mouth is — I purchased my own LTC policies from them, too!

–Nationally recognized and syndicated personal finance expert,

Terry Savage

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